Freight drivers are the backbone of the transportation industry, ensuring that goods and products are delivered efficiently and on time. However, driving a large vehicle on the road comes with great responsibility. Freight drivers must not only follow traffic laws but also practice common courtesy to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road. Let’s discuss the 10 most important common courtesy rules for freight drivers and provide examples, facts, and statistics to highlight their importance.

  1. Follow Traffic Laws: Freight drivers must abide by traffic laws to avoid accidents and fines. In 2019, there were 4,119 fatal crashes involving large trucks in the United States.
  2. Check Blindspots: Blindspots are a significant challenge for freight drivers, so they must regularly check them to avoid accidents. Blindspot-related crashes accounted for over 6,000 injuries and 140 deaths in 2019.
  3. Don’t Blindside Other Drivers: Freight drivers must avoid blindsiding other drivers when changing lanes or turning. In 2019, over 40% of fatal large truck crashes occurred when turning or merging.
  4. Avoid Tailgating: Tailgating is dangerous and can cause accidents. Freight drivers should maintain a safe distance from other vehicles to avoid collisions. In 2019, over 20% of large truck crashes involved rear-end collisions.
  5. Yield to Pedestrians: Freight drivers should always yield to pedestrians, especially in crosswalks. In 2019, 853 pedestrians were killed in crashes involving large trucks.
  6. Merge Properly: Merging can be challenging for freight drivers, but they must merge properly to avoid accidents. In 2019, over 15% of large truck crashes occurred while merging or changing lanes.
  7. Maintain Vehicle: Freight drivers must maintain their vehicles to ensure their safety on the road. In 2019, over 10% of large truck crashes were due to vehicle-related issues.
  8. Use Turn Signals: Using turn signals is essential for freight drivers to indicate their intentions and avoid accidents. In 2019, over 12% of large truck crashes occurred when the driver failed to use turn signals.
  9. Be Courteous: Freight drivers should always be courteous to other drivers on the road. Simple gestures like allowing other drivers to merge or pass can prevent accidents and promote safety.
  10. Stay Alert: Staying alert is crucial for freight drivers to avoid accidents. In 2019, over 30% of large truck crashes occurred due to driver-related factors like fatigue or distractions.


Following these 10 common courtesy rules can help freight drivers prevent accidents and ensure the safety of everyone on the road. By being responsible and courteous drivers, freight drivers can help maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation industry while keeping themselves and others safe.